RPI Opinion

While the APEC conference was held, Turkish fascist government was carrying out another military operation against the kurdish people in the north of Syria and a brutal repression against kurdish people in Turkey. None of the APEC assistant said a word about this situation and human rights violations. No one said a word about defining Erdogan as a war criminal and no one acussed the imperialistic forces as a main part in this genocide. No one but de leftists parties of Asia-Pacific. 

Asia-Pacific parties condemn attacks on Kurds

Joint Statement

25th November 2022

Stop the Turkish and Iranian war against the Kurds

We, the undersigned organizations, strongly condemn the recent genocidal military attacks by both Turkish and Iranian government on the Kurds in the region.

The Turkish military has launched intensive air strikes on north and east Syria and northern Iraq targeting Kurdish communities in the region. Meanwhile, the Iranian government is also intensifying military crackdown on the Kurdish communities in western Iran and northern Iraq, as part of its violent suppression of protests for women’s rights following the state murder of Jina Amini.

These military aggressions against the Kurds not only violated international laws but also are causing massive casualties and damage.

Hence, we call for the following:
– Turkey and Iran must immediately cease their military aggression against the Kurds in the region;
– Stop the repression of pro-Kurdish political movements in Turkey and protests for women’s rights in Iran;
– Recognition of the democratic right to self-determination of the Kurds and all nationals in the Kurdistan region, as the basis for a political solution to the “Kurdish Question”.

Signed by,

1. Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM)
2. Socialist Alliance, Australia
3. Working People’s Party (PRP), Indonesia
4. Party of the Laboring Masses (PLM), Philippines
5. Socialist Aotearoa, New Zealand
6. Haqooq Khalq Party, Pakistan

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